Minggu, 22 November 2015

Granular (Rubber chips) for the Horse Arena or Equestrian

Rubber chips or granular form part of the basic manufacture of rubber powder (Rubber crumb), providing a sense of soft rubber chips when used in the racetrack or equistrian. Spread a layer of rubber chip surface arena will improve drainage and comfort while reducing dust, soil compaction and the grind surface can cause the horse fast horse experience fatigue.
In an article in Horse Keeping.com explained that the horse can grind base is made of rubber so as to help keep the dust down and can withstand soil compaction.
to use the rubber chip is a smart choice for this use will help reduce stress and minimize nail foot injury. Most of the horses suffered a foot injury in a long time for recovery.
By using the rubber chip, the maintenance of the horse becomes save time, money, performance and life of horses
With the use of rubber chips, rearing horses increasingly save time, money, performance and longevity horse riding
Besides, with the use of rubber chips will improve the management of water with stony soil to absorb water than when the soil compaction due to prolonged standing horse and the horse set foot.
Rubber chips are not easily decompose or onset of growing mushrooms
100% rubber chips made from recycled waste rubber and rubber chips are not on the list Tonix (substances harmful to the health of animals)
Rubber chips are not easily decompose or mildew grow and safe for the animal.
Besides, the use of rubber chips can also help in reducing waste tire that is increasingly growing concurrently increasing number of vehicles.
Save this planet


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